FAST SHIPPINg, YOU cAN gET IT SOON: The products will be shipped to you from OUR WAREHOUSE IN US once order it, and YOU cAN gET THEM WITHIN 7 DAYS, NOT AS LONg AS THE SYSTEM SHOW SUPER BRIgHT AND ENERgY SAVINg: Very bright and efficient, provides a nice light without a glare or a huge electricity bill It shines like day and the output light is very even, eye-protection and super energy-saving, save around 65% of the energy compared with the old fixtures. EASY TO INSTALL: You can do most of the installation by yourself with a rented cherry-picker. These lamps are heavy, but lighter than the old fixtures they replaced. Perfect for existing pole light replacement. With an ADJUSTABLE HEAD (SLIP FITTER), it can be used for different places such as gARDEN, SPORT cOURT, STREET, PARKINg LOT and so on. IT cAN SHINE OUT 50FT DIAMETERS The poles can be round shaper or square shapes, and the construction can be solid. LONg LIFESPAN AND WARRANTY: Adopt HIgH QUALITY LED light source, LED Driver and HIgH QUALITY MODERN-DESIgN Housing (RADIATOR), our lamps have a long lifespan (OVER 50000Hrs) ALL our outdoor lightings are 5 YEARS WARRANTY PROVIDED
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