* 2-HEAD LED EMERgENcY LIgHT fixture is your ideal solution for power outages and keeping your family safe in emergencies. This provides plenty of illumination with 2 powerful LED lights in adjustable heads. It takes just minutes to install and adjust. Hardwires to your electrical system to be maintenance free while satisfying building and safety codes. * 90 MINUTE BATTERY BAcK-UP brightly lights the room or area during a power outage. US Standard Emergency Light, UL 924 and cEc Qualified, 120-277 Voltage (1-Pack). Powered by a long life, maintenance free, rechargeable Nicd battery. Light system automatically recharges a drained battery over the following 24 hours to be ready for the next emergency. Never be in the dark again. * LONg LIFE & EFFIcIENT you can depend on this dual LED system for years to come. The housing is made of rugged fire resistant thermoplastic ABS rated for high impact. It features 5VA flame retardant protection to withstand intense heat. choose white or black finish to match your walls or decor. * QUIcK & EASY TO INSTALL mounts on either wall or ceiling in home, garage, business or school. Easy connect back plate fits most standard junction boxes. It snaps into place for fast, secure electrical connection. This makes a great DIY home improvement for essential safety and convenience in any situation. * 5 YEAR WARRANTY on all electronics and housing makes this your best no-risk purchase. Many people are buying several to fully outfit their home or business. The battery is pro-rated for 5 years. This meets all your safety codes including UL924, NFPA 101 Life Safety code, NEc, OSHA, and Local and State codes. UL listed for damp locations. get yours while we have this excellent quality product in plentiful supply.
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